Design Methodology and The Myth of Common Sense — Episode V1N2

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Design Methodology and the Myth of Common Sense

In this episode, your host, Doug Nix, dis­cuss­es design method­ol­o­gy and the myth of com­mon sense that is often used as jus­ti­fi­ca­tion to do noth­ing to improve the safe­ty of a prod­uct. Learn about the Hier­ar­chy of Con­trols, haz­ard-based safe­ty engi­neer­ing, haz­ard warn­ing labels, and the appli­ca­tion of stan­dards to the machine man­u­als. Final­ly, how do you know if a prod­uct is safe enough?

Lis­ten to episode V1N2


TimeTop­icRelat­ed Links
00:00What’s on this episode? 
1:34Design Method­ol­o­gy

The Risk Reduc­tion Hier­ar­chy: Eliminate/Substitute, Safe­guard, Warn, Train, PPE
Dis­cussing the effec­tive­ness of each step in reduc­ing risk.
EN 292–1 (obso­lete), EN 292–2 (obso­lete), ISO 12100–1 (obso­lete), ISO 12100–2 (obso­lete), CSA Z432
EN 292 and ISO 12100–1/-2 were replaced by EN ISO 12100:2010 and ISO 12100:2010.
5:23Haz­ard Based Safe­ty Engi­neer­ing approach to risk reduction 
7:45Haz­ard Warn­ing LabelsANSI Z535 fam­i­ly, ISO 3864–1 (there are three parts), ISO 7000
10:45CSA Z321 – Not a prod­uct labelling standard!CSA Z321 This stan­dard has been with­drawn by CSA.
11:30ANSI Z535.6 – Haz­ard warn­ings in user documentation. 
12:30Why do Risk Assess­ments on your prod­uct? Advan­tages and Disadvantages 
19:05The Myth of Com­mon Sense! Kitchen knives, laser cut­ters and why com­mon sense isn’t so common. 
21:37The Angle Grinder Case 
24:00Is the prod­uct Safe Enough? US OSHA, Ontario OHSA & Ontario Reg­u­la­tion 851. 

Down­load the show notes below

Send your com­ments and ques­tions to Doug Nix.

In the next episode, we’ll dis­cuss Risk Scor­ing Sys­tems with Tom Doyle, Prin­ci­pal at Indus­tri­al Safe­ty Inte­gra­tion.

D. S. G. Nix

Partner, President and Managing Director

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