We offer gen­er­al con­sult­ing ser­vices relat­ed to indus­tri­al machin­ery safe­ty and reg­u­la­to­ry com­pli­ance under Cana­di­an, Euro­pean, UK and US requirements.

Our exper­tise includes apply­ing the hier­ar­chy of con­trols, includ­ing inher­ent­ly safe design mea­sures, mechan­i­cal guards and safe­guard­ing devices, infor­ma­tion for use, and admin­is­tra­tive con­trols. Con­trol sys­tems design accord­ing to CSA, IEC, and NFPA stan­dards and func­tion­al safe­ty analy­sis accord­ing to ISO 13849 are key to these offerings.

Why use a Consultant?

A photo symbolizing compliance management, showcasing essential elements like laws, requirements, and rules, making up the critical information that general consulting can provide.

Con­sul­tants bring the exper­tise you need when you need it.  Instead of hir­ing a depart­ment of spe­cial­ists to han­dle one or two projects a year, hire a con­sul­tant to pro­vide the exper­tise you need for each project.  Hir­ing a con­sul­tant is cost-effec­tive and allows your team to learn direct­ly from experts in the field.

Why human consultants are better than AI

Since 2022, AI has been in the news con­stant­ly. Many peo­ple have been try­ing to cut costs by using Chat­G­PT or oth­er LLMs instead of hir­ing a well-qual­i­fied expert, often with dis­as­trous con­se­quences. If you want to know why human experts are bet­ter than any AI (so far!), you may want to read these arti­cles on our blog:


Our gen­er­al con­sult­ing ser­vices include: