Haz­ard warn­ings are signs and labels that form part of the third lev­el of the Hier­ar­chy of Con­trols, Infor­ma­tion for Use. There are two stan­dard­ized forms for machin­ery haz­ard warn­ing labels in use glob­al­ly: ANSI and ISO. Before think­ing about labels, you need to com­plete a risk assess­ment.

Haz­ard warn­ings, includ­ing signs and labels, are a cru­cial part of the Hier­ar­chy of Con­trols under the “Infor­ma­tion for Use” cat­e­go­ry. There are two pri­ma­ry stan­dard­ized sys­tems for machin­ery haz­ard warn­ing labels: ANSI and ISO. How­ev­er, before con­sid­er­ing labels, it’s essen­tial to con­duct a risk assess­ment.

ANSI Hazard Warning Labels

ANSI labels are wide­ly used in the USA and fre­quent­ly seen in Cana­da and Mex­i­co. These labels must include a haz­ard alert sym­bol (a tri­an­gle with an excla­ma­tion mark) and a haz­ard key­word such as Dan­ger, Warn­ing, or Cau­tion. They also fea­ture a text pan­el with two or three parts:

  1. A descrip­tion of the hazard,
  2. The poten­tial consequences,
  3. The pro­tec­tive actions to pre­vent injury.

Pic­tograms may also be added for clar­i­ty, espe­cial­ly in mul­ti­lin­gual work­places where text alone may be insuf­fi­cient. ANSI labels fol­low the ANSI Z535 series of standards.

ISO Labels

Four hazard warning signs: no entry with a hand symbol, electric hazard with lightning bolt, wear safety goggles with head silhouette, and emergency eyewash station featuring an eye and plus sign.

ISO labels address text trans­la­tion and lit­er­a­cy issues by rely­ing entire­ly on pic­tograms. Each shape and col­or com­bi­na­tion has a stan­dard meaning:

  • A red cir­cle with a diag­o­nal slash: Prohibition
  • A black tri­an­gle on yel­low: Warning
  • A white cir­cle on blue: Mandatory
  • A white square on green: Safe­ty information

ISO labels are designed accord­ing to ISO 3864 and ISO 7010 standards.

Harmonized labels

In 2020, ANSI and ISO intro­duced a har­mo­nized “word­less” label that com­bines ANSI’s lay­out and ISO’s stan­dard­ized shapes and colours. Pic­tograms from both sys­tems can be used.

An ISO 3864-2 hazard warning sign displays two symbols: a yellow triangle with a lightning bolt for electric shock danger, and a red circle with a hand and figure in protective gear, signalling no entry or restricted access.

We col­lab­o­rate with Clar­i­on Safe­ty Sys­tems to assist with label reviews and haz­ard warn­ing label designs.

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