The Safety Guy Podcast artwork. The text on the photo says, "The Safety Guy — Don't Let This Happen To You." A teal background with a wooden artist's anatomical figure lying twisted up with some crash test dummy targets on the figure.

Wel­come to our pod­cast archive! For a short time in 2007, we pro­duced a pod­cast called “The Safe­ty Guy,” which we re-brand­ed as “Machin­ery Safe­ty 101” in 2008. The pod­cast ran for a total of six episodes, all of which are in our pod­cast archive.

Two hands each holding a blue puzzle piece, with the text "Machinery Safety 101" and "Hosted by Doug Nix" above and below, along with a website URL by Com­pli­ance inSight Con­sult­ing Inc. is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

V1N1Who is the Safe­ty Guy? What is Safe­ty Engineering?
V1N2Design Method­ol­o­gy and The Myth of Com­mon Sense
V2N1Risk Scor­ing Systems—An Inter­view with Tom Doyle
V2N2Haz­ard Identification
V2N3Intro­duc­ing ISO 13849–1, Reli­a­bil­i­ty of Safe­ty Relat­ed Parts of Con­trol Systems
V2N4Laser Safe­ty with John­ny Jones
Avail­able episodes