Get Smart — Get Trained

Instructor at a whiteboard providing live instructor-led training services.

You nev­er learned any­thing about Inher­ent­ly Safe Design in school (or at least, you don’t think you did.) You can fix that by get­ting train­ing from our experts!

Engi­neers, tech­nol­o­gists, and tech­ni­cians learn the tech­ni­cal aspects of their fields in school, except for safe­ty. You may have learned to wear your safe­ty glass­es and boots on the shop floor, but your teach­ers did­n’t teach you what you need to know about build­ing safe prod­ucts in the first place. For many, safe­ty engi­neer­ing is an art that isn’t taught, and find­ing a good men­tor can be chal­leng­ing. We solve that problem!

We offer focused online train­ing, sem­i­nars and work­shops covering:

Illustration of blue human figures standing in a circle around a stack of red blocks spelling "RISK." The figures are evenly spaced and face the center, highlighting a focus on the concept of risk. Get your risk assessment training from CIC!

Learn what you need to know now. We offer Open Enrol­ment Class­es and Pri­vate Train­ing Events to answer your questions.