A young engineer is inspecting a piece of machinery in a factory. The engineer is crouched down, writing notes on a clipboard.

We pro­vide exper­tise on the safe­ty require­ments of safe­guard­ing sys­tems for your equip­ment, whether old or new, in Cana­da, the EU, the UK and North­ern Ire­land, or the USA.

A safe­guard­ing review exam­ines the exist­ing risk assess­ment and equip­ment, includ­ing phys­i­cal guards and safe­guard­ing devices, and then presents the results in a writ­ten report. 


Typ­i­cal­ly, a safe­guard­ing review pack­age includes a Find­ings Report – out­lin­ing the scope, the leg­is­la­tion, reg­u­la­tions and stan­dards employed, any con­trolled doc­u­ments used as source mate­r­i­al (such as mechan­i­cal draw­ings, schemat­ics and man­u­als), and a detailed list of non-con­form­ing items found dur­ing the review. Spe­cif­ic guid­ance on cor­rec­tive action(s) is pro­vid­ed as a part of the review, and addi­tion­al con­sult­ing is avail­able to assist design­ers in apply­ing the require­ments. We can also review any safe­guard­ing mod­i­fi­ca­tions based on our Find­ings Report and val­i­date their adequacy.