Introducing ISO 13849–1, Reliability of Safety Related Parts of Control Systems—V2N3

Laptop computer set up with two microphones and an audio mixer for posdcasting production

Introducing ISO 13849–1 2006

This show, dis­cussing ISO 13849–1, was record­ed live at the 2007 CSA/RIA Robot­ic Safe­ty Con­fer­ence in Toron­to, Ontario, in March 2007. Func­tion­al safe­ty is a key aspect of machin­ery safe­ty and one that many design­ers and engi­neers poor­ly understand. 

If you need more cur­rent infor­ma­tion, see the series of posts on this top­ic on our blog:

If you need some help with func­tion­al safe­ty, see our func­tion­al safe­ty con­sult­ing ser­vices.

We offer a course to help you get start­ed using ISO 13849. See the course curriculum.

Listen to the show

Lis­ten to episode V2N3


Doug dis­cuss­es the basic ele­ments of the 2006 edi­tion of ISO 13849–1 dur­ing a pre­sen­ta­tion at the 2007 CSA/RIA Robot­ic Safe­ty Con­fer­ence in Toron­to, Ontario. The pre­sen­ta­tion intro­duces Per­for­mance Lev­els (PL and PLr), Diag­nos­tic Cov­er­age (DC) and Com­mon Cause Fail­ures (CCF). Learn the mean­ing of MTTFd, B10 and B10d and their sig­nif­i­cance in the design of safe­ty sys­tems for machinery.

This show runs 50:22.

Download the presentation

[mdocs single-file=“Whats New in ISO 13849–1.pdf”]

Send your com­ments and ques­tions to Doug Nix.

In our next episode, we’ll be talk­ing about laser safe­ty with John­ny Jones of Laser Pro­fes­sion­als Inc. (now Kentek)