Risk scoring systems
In this episode, your host, Doug Nix, interviews Tom Doyle of Industrial Safety Integration, a Canadian company offering risk assessment software to help practitioners better structure their risk assessments and produce reports for other safety engineering and regulatory compliance requirements.
Note: Sadly, Industrial Safety Integration is no longer in business.
One of the key tools in carrying out a risk assessment is the risk scoring system used. There are lots of risk-scoring systems out there, so how do you choose one for your project? What about risk assessment and risk management software systems? Tom Doyle, President of Industrial Safety Integration, joins Doug to discuss these important issues.
The primary tool used in risk assessment is the risk scoring system. These systems range in complexity from simple, two-variable methods that consider only severity and aggregate probability to much more sophisticated systems with four or more variables. Scaling is also widely variable, with as few as two choices to as many fifteen choices for each variable. Some purely mathematical models use probability calculations to determine risk levels. How do you choose a system? How fine do the scales need to be to give you results that make sense?
Tom Doyle, President of Industrial Safety Integration, a Canadian manufacturer of Risk Management software, joins Doug to discuss these issues.
Send your comments and questions to Doug Nix.
In our next episode, we’ll delve deeper into Hazard Identification, the first step in risk analysis.