We offer online train­ing ser­vices on var­i­ous top­ics, with new cours­es com­ing online often. Cours­es include top­ics such as:

Most cours­es are on-demand with video and text-based lessons. Live instruc­tor-led online train­ing can also be pro­vid­ed on a pri­vate basis.

Face-to-face train­ing

All pub­lic cours­es can be offered pri­vate­ly. We pro­vide face-to-face train­ing ser­vices for groups of 15 or more.

Private Classes and Custom Training Development

Would you like a group of 15 or more trained at your facil­i­ty? Would you like cus­tomized train­ing based on our pub­lic cours­es or designed exclu­sive­ly for your group? We offer these train­ing ser­vices on a cus­tom basis.

Public Speaking

Audience members seated and facing a large, blank white screen in a darkened room. The focus is on the backs of diverse attendees eagerly awaiting the start of training services that promise to inspire and educate, suggesting an engaging presentation or event is about to begin.

Our train­ers are avail­able for pub­lic speak­ing events and cus­tom pri­vate workshops.

Do you need a speak­er for your event? Are you look­ing for some­one with deep tech­ni­cal exper­tise, a prag­mat­ic out­look and the abil­i­ty to make it all make sense to even the most novice audience?

Depend­ing on the event and the orga­niz­er, we may pro­vide our speak­ers at no charge or for a fee. We look for­ward to talk­ing to you about your needs!


Get the train­ing you need in these ways…